Creative Consultation

New York Times bestselling author and inspirational speaker, Michael Lister, is available for Creative Consulting in the areas of Writing, Publishing, Creativity, Counseling, and Life Coaching.

“As a literary agent, I’ve observed Michael interacting with hundreds of writers over the years and treasure his professionalism. As a writer, I treasure his unique ability to sleuth out that elusive you hold within, that you aim for and should have, but cannot grasp, cannot unpuzzle, cannot detect. Yet, in a shot, Michael has it under his magnifying glass, and Aha! you see it, too. It may spook you, but you feel in your bones it is dead-on. Now a fresh fire twists within so you can undertake your writing with a new perspective. How cool is that?”

Cricket Freeman, The August Agency LLC

Need help with motivation? Plotting? Character development? Story Structure? Dialog?

Need help with publishing your book or finding an agent? Need help with cover design, launch strategies?

Or do you just need some inspiration and motivation?

Michael Lister can help you reach your potential to have a rewarding, fulfilling, and meaningful creative life.

Contact Michael today!

Email to discuss your needs today.